This morning, M and I not only saw our little baby boy or girl for the first time -- we got to hear his or her little heartbeat! It was amazing. The heartbeat was strong at 158bpm. When I heard the sound I wasn't sure what it was. I nearly came off the table (which would not have been good, needless to say!) "What was that?" I asked as I was still recovering from the shock of seeing our little baby blob. "Your baby's heartbeat," the doctor replied. He found it again and gave us a second opportunity to listen. I could have listened to it all day (something I'm sure my insurance would not have covered and my OB would not have agreed to). I was in disbelief, as I'd been told that it would be way too early to hear anything. It was such a wonderful surprise and it definitely help put this whole experience into perspective. Now, when I feel a wave of nausea I remember what it's all for and I think of that beautiful little flashing speck on the ultrasound and it all seems worth it.
So... our next appointment is for 11 weeks and that cannot come soon enough for me. I can't wait to see how much out little guy or gal will change in just 4 short weeks (God-willing). And who knows how much my little baby bump will grow by then. Time will surely tell! :)

“For You formed my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. My soul knows that very well.” Psalm 139:13-14