Aside from Noah's nighttime irritability, we had a good scare a few nights ago when one of my OBs insisted that I go to the Emergency Room for what she thought was an infection in my incision... as well a case of early mastitis that has been extremely painful. Fortunately, the doctor was wrong about the incision and it seems that the underlying problem is a build-up of scar tissue from where the catheter was inserted into my incision for pain control while I was hospitalized. That is a relief but it gave us quite a scare, especially because an infection would have meant that I'd have to have my incision reopened... something that would not have been fun. Fortunately, my family was in town and they were able to watch Noah while M and I spent the night in the ER. Poor Michael had worked all day long and then sat with me all night long before we came home to Noah who had no interest in sleeping for the few precious hours M had left before his next day of work. It didn't help that we had to drive all over Northern Virginia looking for a 24-hour pharmacy to fill my prescription either... or that M had to fix a flat tire after 3:00AM so that my family could make the drive to New York the next morning. Needless to say it has been a rough few days. Rest has become a fond memory for me though we do get bits and bursts of sleep while we can.
Michael finally has a couple of days off from work and I am really looking forward to us having some time to spend together as a family -- not sleeping! Truth be told, these last few days, M and I have spent nearly all of our time together trying to get in quick naps while Noah is asleep. This weekend, aside from getting in some rest, we will hopefully be able to put Noah in his swing and bouncy seat for the first time as well as finish up the nursery. I am so looking forward to it and can't wait to post pictures!
As for the sleep positioner, Noah is still finding a way to turn himself during the night -- but fortunatley, not onto his belly, which is what we are trying to prevent. Today when I removed his blanket, this is what I found. He is a strong little boy. He has also, on multiple occaisions, kicked his way entirely out of the sleep positioner. I'm going to have to get creative to figure out a way to stop him from doing that again.
Well... just thought I'd post a quick update and a few new photos. This one is by far my favorite! What a little doll, our baby boy is! I just can't get over it...
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