I can hardly believe that Noah has been with us a month. Sometimes time seems to fly and other times, I feel like I cannot remember life before him. I'm starting to understand what my good friend Sherry means when she says "the nights are long, but the years are short." I hope they won't be. Either way, I know I'll treasure every single moment... even those where the crying is incessant or I'm so tired I can barely stay awake to feed him...

It has certainly been an eventful first month for baby Noah. The last few weeks were especially hectic for him. Suffice it to say that he has been to the pediatrician at least once a week every week since he was born, and yesterday he had to go for an ultrasound to rule out pyloric stenosis, a disorder which would have made surgery necessary had he tested positive. Fortunately, he didn't, but he continues to struggle with his tummy, which seems to be bothering him quite a bit. Poor little guy. I'm hopeful that by adopting a strict diet, I can help him feel better quickly. He has been crying a lot lately for no apparent reason and it's just been so hard to watch him seem so uncomfortable. At the pediatrician's office earlier this week, he cried real tears. It was heartbreaking. Fortunately, Noah is usually a very happy baby. Michael and I have certainly done the best we could do to keep him that way!

Over the past 4 weeks and 3 days my little baby has had some significant growth. It will not surprise you to learn that he is in the 75th percentile for height for his age. (Certinaly not something he got from his mommy!) Here are his weight stats:
Birth: 7lbs, 6oz
1 Week: under 7lbs
2 Weeks: 7lbs, 12 oz
3 Weeks: 8lbs, 12 oz
4 Weeks: 9lbs, 10 oz
He is a very long and skinny baby but for all his growth, he is still a little peanut!
It's amazing to watch him grow everyday. Everyday he becomes more alert, his eyes are more focused and he learns more about how to use his hands. It amazes me to think of where he'll be at in another month. I hope it doesn't fly as fast as the first...
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