Yesterday, however, was not so fun. It was the day I've been dreading for weeks: Noah's first round of shots. Michael came with me and thank God he did because it was a truly awful experience for Noah -- and for me.
Amazingly, this was the first time Noah has been to the doctor where he wasn't screaming. Michael did a wonderful job with him and he was extremely calm the entire time. He was weighed, measured, and examined from head to toe and there were no tears. Then the doctor left the room for us to wait for the nurse to come in with the shots. Noah sat on his daddy's lap so peacefully and having no clue what he was in for. It just made me feel so sad.

The nurse came in and had Michael lay Noah down on the table and then asked him to hold down Noah's arms. I could see Noah's little face all happy and unsuspecting and then at rapid speed, the nurse began stabbing his chubby thighs. I wish to God I had not watched and that I could stop replaying it in my mind. With the first shot, Noah's happy face turned bright red and by the second he was crying out. By the third and forth he was absolutely hysterical and screaming louder than I've ever heard him scream before (and believe me, I've heard him scream a lot). As soon as the nurse was done, I ran to him and picked him off the table and just held him as close to me as I could while he wailed and wailed and wailed. The nurse joked that I was as red as he was but it didn't seem very funny at the moment. I was able to calm Noah down enough to get him to nurse for a few seconds but he was pretty inconsolable and eventually cried all the way home in the car. It was heartbreaking. I tried telling myself that it's for his own good but it's so hard to believe that when you see your baby go from being so happy, trusting and content to being so unhappy and in pain. I know it sounds silly (because deep down I do know that it's a necessary evil) but it felt like betrayal. I just thank God it will be another two months before he is subject to that again. :(
Noah is almost 14 pounds and is 2 feet tall! He is in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. (At his first visit he was 75th for height and 50th for weight.) He certainly takes after his daddy! And of course, I've had to laugh that at 2 months old, Noah is almost half my height. (ha ha).
Here is a quick glimpse of how our little guy has progressed:
1 Week: under 7lbs
2 Weeks: 7lbs, 12 oz
3 Weeks: 8lbs, 12 oz
4 Weeks: 9lbs, 10 oz
6 Weeks: 11lbs, 8 oz
7 Weeks: 12lbs, 7 oz
9 Weeks: 13lbs, 7 oz
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