Noah is now only a little more than 6 weeks old and he is almost 12 pounds! Our little guy has been growing more and more every day. By now he has big slate blue eyes, which seem to grow wider and more amazed with each passing day. I am also happy to report that in addition to his daddy's lips, he also has his daddy’s long eyelashes. His eyebrows are also starting to come in!

This week, Noah began noticing things that he didn't seem to in previous weeks. For the first time, he noticed the mobile on his little lamb swing and it was very comical to watch his reaction. I had suspected that he would notice it and was armed and ready with my iPhone. I was fortunate enough to catch his first response to it on video (below)!:
In addition to noticing new things, Noah is learning more and more about his hands. Not only has he mastered taking his pacifier out of his mouth, but a few days ago, he took it out of his mouth and threw it! He also grabs onto the strap of his changing table when he is unhappy to be getting changed and holds on to it for dear life until I am done changing him. Lord knows how much of my hair he has pulled out or how many times he has nearly ripped my necklace off over the last few days. He’s quite a little character just as we all suspected he would be. Noah still sleeps with his hands and arms in an array of funny positions. When I wake up in the morning, I never know what I am going to find!

Aside from beginning to find his hands, Noah has also been finding his voice. He sounds a little like a magwa (baby gremblin). Listen for yourself below. (
On a technical note: You can shut the music on the page off by scrolling up and clicking pause in the side bar on the right hand side of this page.)

Aside from becoming cuter and cuter, Noah has not been doing so great these past couple of weeks. His persistent tummy troubles have made him very uncomfortable and he is now on medicine that doesn’t seem to be helping much aside from making him smell like a toasted marshmallow, which is very nice. He has been on another feeding frenzy which I suspect can be attributed to his recent growth spurt. The nights have been very long indeed for the both of us… and we've been trying our best to make the days as fun and happy as possible for him.
Please keep our little guy in prayer!
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