This morning, M and I went to see the OB for my routine prenatal visit (15 weeks down!). As expected, we got the results of the ultrasound I had on Friday. The doctor said that both the baby and I look "perfect," so all seems to be well. That is a great relief and a huge blesssing! She was not sure why I am in so much pain but expressed hope that it would resolve itself soon. I am hopeful too...
We also got another opinion (our 4th) on delivery. This doctor also expressed her belief that I'll need to have a C-Section this coming September. She also stressed that she believed going under general anesthesia would be safe for both me and the baby. Of course, we are still praying through this and haven't made any decisions yet. We still have to meet with the anesthesiologist and have that individual review my surgical reports, etc.

In the meantime, I am continuing to grow and have now reached the point where none of my regular clothes fit anymore. I literally took every pair of jeans and pants I own and boxed them tonight. Today, I was blessed to have a shopping buddy in my friend Melody who is set to deliver in the coming weeks! I must say, it was a lot more fun (and less depressing!) having someone there with me who could relate and give honest advice. I had attempted to go shopping by myself a week ago and was demoralized. I realized I might have to give up wearing my precious purple for a while, as I start to look more and more like Barney the Dinosaur! (Except of course for my sister-in-laws upcoming wedding!! :) Anyone who has been pregnant knows that it is a little jarring to see how much one's body changes so suddenly. (Fortunately, so far it's been all belly for me). It's mostly exciting, of course, as I realize that as I grow, it means our baby is growing too. And right now everything indicates that baby is growing strong and healthy!
My next ultrasound is scheduled for next month. We find out the gender in just 25 days -- if the baby stops crossing its legs, that is! In just 25 days we will know our son or daughter by name. What an awesome thought!
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