Well... today was the day we anxiously waited for, for the last four weeks: another chance to see little Noah. So did Noah cooperate for the "camera?"

In case you are wondering what this picture is depicting, it's Noah... hiding his face. Yes, Noah had his arms crossed in front of his face and his hands were somehow resting on the top of his head. No amount of turning was able to get him to face front...
I was feeling very sick and lightheaded today for some reason which made me have to stop the ultrasound a couple of times. Now that my belly is so much bigger, it is very very difficult for me to lay on my back and the pain was unbearable today.

I don't know what was up with me but I was having very very bad "hot pains" down my neck, terrible pressure in my head, my head was spinning and I felt like I was going to throw up. (Anyone who has ever had to have morphine can relate because that is exactly what it felt like. Very unsettling.) In all my excitement to see Noah today, I didn't take time to have a healthy breakfast so I guess that could be it... In any case, I see the OB on Wednesday so it might be worth mentioning. It was upsetting to say the least (especially because I was feeling so sick at several points that I had to turn on my side and close my eyes which made me miss out on the precious few moments I got to see him) but fortunately Noah seemed to be doing well and was moving around like crazy when I was watching. It was nearly impossible to get still images of him. The technician said he looked like a very happy baby and assured us that he will be beautiful. I have no doubt.
While we did not get to see baby's face (maybe a tiny bit here-- though if you look closely you can still see his hands up on his head), we did get to see that he has his Daddy's long legs...
And that he apparently shares his Mommy's love of Pilates!

In case you are confused by what you are seeing in this picture, Noah somehow has his legs up over his head (which you can see a small bit of at the bottom right -- under his hands which are still blocking his face). When he got in this position, I couldn't help but laugh. It's so amazing to watch my little guy doing gymnastics, especially now that I can feel it as I'm watching. I'm slowly getting better at being able to decipher what Noah's movements are when I feel them. (Lately, he has been rolling a lot! That is always a fun feeling. lol)
The ultrasound tech gave us a good laugh by noting that while Noah was very shy about showing his face, he was not at all shy about showing off that he is a boy. (She called him a "flasher." lol) Yes, that is my son in all his glory... Seems this is a photo he does not mind taking as it's very similar to what happened at the last ultrasound when he also was breach and not cooperative in facing front. For some reason he likes to moon us, I guess. Boys will be boys...
It was good to see that he is doing OK in there though it would have been nice to have a face-shot. He is growing right on target... And the good news is that the cyst that was found in his brain at the last ultrasound is now completely gone! Thank God -- And I do! Though this may mean it will be the last ultrasound we'll have... I am glad to know that whatever it was - it really was nothing to worry about. :)
I want to see some belly pics!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I just saw the one of you in the dress, I don't know if it came up before, but I see it now!! Very Cute!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you weren't feeling well yesterday, but the new pictures are just amazing! I also love the one of you in the dress. You look fantastic! I hope you are feeling better today. HUGS!
ReplyDeleteI am so thankful all is well with Noah and you. You look so beautiful and little Noah will do more 'boys-will-be-boys' things, I can tell you that from experiences with our grandsons! It's fun though. :-)
God's Grace.