Michael, Vanessa and I just got back from my sister-in-law Jen's wedding, which was absolutely wonderful (a longer post and pics to follow soon!)... Because Vanessa goes home to her mom early tomorrow morning --we are giving her back an hour earlier this year than we usually do so that we can see precious Tyler Gibson get dedicated-- she gave me my Mother's Day card and gift tonight. I thought I'd share as it was exceptionally cute!
Presented in a beautiful gift bag was the softest teddy bear ever with a balloon and a box of chocolates and candy... and two cards.... I not only got a card from Vanessa for Mother's Day this year, but from my unborn son, Noah, as well! You can imagine my surprise.

As she does every year, Vanessa wrote me a beautiful card... I could really see how much she has grown up by what she wrote this year all on her own...

As for "Noah's card," I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to share it with you....

If you click any of the images above, you will be able to see it much more clearly, but just in case you can't see the blue writing in particular (my dear husband's), I just had to reproduce it below:
"Roses are Red, Violets are blue
I am in your belly, nauseating you!
I am growing really big
and am doing just fine
Wishing you the very best
Mother of mine :)"
I am in your belly, nauseating you!
I am growing really big
and am doing just fine
Wishing you the very best
Mother of mine :)"
This Mother's Day, I cannot thank God enough for my beautiful growing family... I could not love Vanessa any more if she were my own and I am so glad and feel so privileged to be able to give her a baby brother and to be able to give my dear husband a son! It amazes me to think that (God-willing) at this time next year, I'll not only be "Ma," I'll be "Mommy!"
Love, Nan<3
happy mother's day, nan