Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Known By Name

In just 2 days, Michael and I will know (God-willing) whether we are going to have a son or a daughter. Friday’s ultrasound is what I have been waiting for anxiously for the last 4 ½ months. The idea of knowing our child by name this coming Friday is enough to make my head spin. The problem is… if it’s a boy, we won’t…

From day one, I have felt (for whatever reason) that Michael and I are going to have a little girl. I have spent a lot of time in prayer about this and the name Ava Grace just found its way into my heart and has not let up for a single moment. There is no doubt in my mind that if it’s a girl, that is her name. Still, I’ve felt guilty that Michael and I have not been able to narrow down boy names to any reasonable certainty. I have prayed that God will give us a boy name if that’s what we are going to have – but so far no answer. Not that I doubt that He’ll eventually answer – perhaps this is a lesson in patience – but it makes me sad to think that if we find out on Friday that we are going to have a little boy, he will be a nameless little boy (though no less loved!)

And it got me thinking.

How amazing is it that God already knows our Little One by name? Whatever this child is, it is, and God has known all the while, while we (and everyone else) have speculated and wondered. Even if our child will be nameless to us this coming Friday and however long thereafter it takes us to decide upon a name, God already knows what that name is. What an awesome thought!

My family is coming in on Friday night and I am excited to finally be able to share exciting news in person – something that has been inhibited by the distance between us now that Virginia is my permanent home. No matter what the result, there will be a lot of joy. It will bring us all one step closer to coming face to face with this precious gift from God.

Just two more days…

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I have no doubt, in case it is a boy, you will find a great name. All that matters is, that the baby is healthy and all goes well. We will keep you in our prayers. :-)


    God's Grace.
