Vanessa was so thrilled to get to know her little brother. This weekend, she learned how to hold and handle our little guy properly, as well as change his diapers. This will surely come in handy in the future! Noah was very happy to spend time with Vanessa too. Who says babies don't smile? :)

Today, we were also fortunate to get a visit from our good friend Erich, who was good enough to bring us dinner tonight that can only be classified as a feast.

We have been very blessed to have so many friends who have offered to help us out during these first few hectic days. The transition has certainly been very difficult but it has all been wonderful.
It seems that Noah gets more adorable and changes so much with every passing day. His hair gets blonder by the day, and everyday he seems to open his eyes more and recognize our voices. He also seems to be adapting to life here with us. This morning was the first time I changed his diaper where he didn't cry hysterically -- and it was a VERY bad diaper to change -- because I sang him a silly song the whole time.

Tonight we will hopefully be giving Noah his first sponge bath. More posts to come soon!

UPDATE 09/01/09
The spongebath went...well... Noah was none too happy about it but he slept well afterwards!

I also have to post this picture that Michael took with his phone because it is way too precious not to be posted on the blog. This picture was taken right before Michael carried Noah into the house for the very first time.