We now have less than 4 weeks until Baby Noah arrives! 3 weeks and 6 days to be exact -- unless our little one decides he's had enough "baking" and makes an early appearance, which I am feeling certain he will. He really seems to want out these days and he has gotten noticeably bigger. His kicks have become quite painful and I won't even mention what it feels like when he tries to roll! Everyone I talk to who has seen me in person agrees that he will run out of room soon, but somehow my belly seems willing and able to keep accommodating him! I still am in awe of it most days!

The preterm contractions have continued, sad to say, and the doctor is fairly certain it is stress-related. I should have gone back to the hospital on Sunday night but forced myself to try and sleep through them -- something I probably won't get away with much more as we are now so close to our delivery date. I have been under a great deal of stress these past few weeks and I'm hoping that life will calm down a little before I REALLY learn what stress is, having my first interaction with a newborn that does not belong to someone else. I was hoping that M and i would be able to take a newborn care class but unfortunately they all filled up and we can't fill the one slot remaining in the only class left. I did have a good time learning how to change a diaper on a stuffed bunny at my friend Kate's house a couple of weeks ago so hopefully what I learned from doing that will stick! Not much experience, but better than none!

3 weeks and 6 days is likely to fly and there is still so much Michael and I need to do to get ready for Noah's arrival (besides learning how to change diapers on stuffed animals lol). I have been slowed down quite a bit now that I'm so far along (and so big!) but hopefully we will both find time and energy to get as prepared as we possibly can!
A little bit at a time...
hahaha... feel free to come over any time to change a diaper. :)