"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb... I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Excerpts from Psalm 139).

Day 3
Noah is such a good baby. I feel very blessed to be able to say that. Although most of you know that my experience with babies is minimal at best (I have more experience putting diapers on stuffed animals, even 3 days in), I think you'll all agree. He does not fuss and never cries unless he has gone to the bathroom, is having his diaper changed, is being undressed, or is hungry. That's pretty good, I'd say, as we always know how to investigate what is going on and can determine what is wrong by the simple process of elimination.
Seeing Noah face to face and being able to observe him in the world has been incredible.
What I've also learned is that Noah is a sweet little boy with a ravenous appetite, which has made breastfeeding a little challenging but no less amazing. There is a reason I call him my my little alligator. :) I always told my girlfriends they were crazy when they ranted and raved about what a bonding experience it is, so I have to say I have been shocked at how right they all were and are (no offense...and sorry!). It's a surreal experience to look down at his little face knowing I carried him for nine months and that I am helping him grow big and strong even now when he is here with us. It is the sweetest thing to have him holding on to both my hands with both of his and squeezing his little hands to hold mine harder and harder while he eats. I have been blessed to get the hang of this as much as I have, while I'm laid up for the most part. The recovery has been difficult, but I'm hanging in there. Michael has been great but sadly today he had to go to work. :( It's been sad without him here and a little scary on my own. Fortunately I have lots and lots of help from the nursing staff which have been very helpful and accommodating. Soon, there will be no red button to push and no nursery to send Noah to for care when I need to get cared for myself... or sleep! I am looking forward to the challenge. I can't wait to bring my little guy home! Sleep is overrated anyway!
Anyway I just wanted to give a little update about our little addition. (I'm a corndog, I know). I'll be posting some more pictures soon. Now that Noah is here I won't be sending updates/notifcations unless you email me and ask me to... so let me know :) Otherwise, feel free to stop in from time to time and see how our little one is growing! I hope time does not keep flying... I want to enjoy every moment.
True to what I've been told time and time on end, the last few days have had me experiencing every emotion you can imagine: love, joy, fear, sadness, anxiety, you name it. But most of all, today, I feel blessed.
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