We now have TEN days until Noah will be born! It’s a little difficult to grasp. When I think of how time has flown and all the mini-countdowns we’ve already been through, it makes my head spin! Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were counting down to making it past the 12 week mark? Or to the third trimester? Or to the next ultrasound? The last was 18 weeks ago! Sometimes it's so hard to believe it is really happening.
I was going through my “belly book” the other night. (It's a book that charts the growth of my belly and baby in pictures and documents all of my prenatal appointments and milestones). And I couldn’t believe that when we first saw our son’s precious little face he was only 4.5 inches long!

Now he is possibly more than 20! Seeing how tall his dad is, that would not surprise me – or anyone!
These last few days I have been in crazy “nesting” mode, having huge bursts of energy during the day that send me cleaning, organizing and doing everything I can until my feet are so swollen I can no longer stand! Yesterday, I detailed the inside of my car with a dust-buster and microfiber cloths for a good 2 hours. I felt like a nut but all I kept thinking is that our precious baby will be riding in that car in a matter of DAYS and I wanted it to be as dust free as possible! Today I am set on folding and washing every remaining article of clothing and anything else that needs washing (car seat, swing, etc.) before I drop. It should be a fun day! If nothing else, it will certainly help me to get some much needed sleep tonight!
Tomorrow marks another milestone: Our last OB appointment! Our last chance to get any questions we might have answered. A big question on my mind concerns a conversation I had with Dr. B last week that I have not blogged on. Apparently, my platelet count seems to be in free fall for some reason. By the last hand count my platelets are at 64,000 which means that over a 4-day period they somehow decreased by 20,000. That is a little disconcerting and I’m hoping that there is either some mistake or that they will jump up a bit before delivery. The hematologist who I saw 4 days before that very last blood test was taken told me the only real “danger” is that the count drops into the 30,000’s -- but if they are decreasing as fast as the latest test suggests, that might not be so far fetched. Please keep that in prayer... We are still hoping that come delivery-time, a transfusion won't be necessary...
In the meantime, Noah is growing very uncomfortable in his close quarters. His kicks are very intense and he seems to be dragging limbs back and forth in frustration. (It really does look sometimes as though he is planning his escape!) I find myself gently rubbing his protruding feet out of my rib cage several times a day and all through the night. He has also now managed to get his hands down in my hip sockets which is a VERY unpleasant feeling. He is exploring... And yes, he is still content to kick just about anything that comes into contact with my massive belly. Washing the dishes at this time in life is NOT fun. But, oh, what a character my little boy is! I cannot wait to meet him!
In the meantime, I am treasuring my last remaining days with my husband, when it is still just the two of us for the most part. And I’m looking forward to one last “date night” before we have a new little life to take care of... God only knows how much our lives are about to change...
How time flies… More tomorrow…
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