Oh, how I wished I had made the time to read the instruction manual! (I had to call both Michael and Chrissy at two separate points today to figure out how to get him in and out!)

He did, however, react very unfavorably to being undressed and weighed and he dirtied his diaper in response.

So, here are the "stats" on our little guy:
- Noah now weighs 7lbs, 3oz., which is a big relief given that he dropped to below 7lbs. in his first days of life. Our all night "feeding frenzy" and scheduled feedings over the last two days seems to have done the trick! The doctor recommended that I continue breastfeeding and said that there was no reason at all for me to supplement with (evil) formula. lol - sorry I really am very into this whole breastfeeding/bonding thing and the thought of having to use that stuff ever again makes me a little crazy :) Who ever would have guessed?

- Noah is a little jaundiced and the doctor told me it was nothing to worry about and that I should put him by a window inside and let him be in the sun for a little bit if the weather improved today, which I did as soon as we got home.
- In all other ways, Noah is as perfect as he looks and so far I haven't done anything too terribly wrong as far as she could tell. (I just assumed that last one. :) She did tell me to keep up the good work!
I shall surely try!
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