Three years ago today, Michael and I eloped on a beach in the Turks & Caicos islands before God and no guests...

A year later, we were married in our church wedding in front of our closest family and friends...
The year after that, we were on our way out of the city and into the suburbs...
And today, after three years of marriage we are just weeks (or days) away from bringing a new life into the world and adding a little addition to our family!
A lot can happen in just a few years and I feel very blessed for where God has taken me and what he has taken me through. This year has been a rough one, but I do believe that God has used it as a growing experience for me, Michael and our marriage. Lately, in these last months of pregnancy, I feel like our patience and faith have been put to the test and I'd like to think that we are holding up to the test on both counts, only through God's Grace...
Yesterday, I got a very upsetting call from my OB (Dr. D). She called to tell me that my platelet count is "dangerously low" and that we are now looking at a count in the 60,000's. The normal range is 250,000-150,000 and I've been warned throughout the pregnancy if they got down to a certain number they would have to intervene and put me on steroids. She told me that I am now beyond the point of an epidural (which we had already ruled out with Dr. Silas, who I still hope will deliver Noah) so I asked her whether it would be necessary for me to go on steroids given that I am already having the baby under general anesthesia. I was not prepared for her response. "Do you want to wake up and see your baby?" she asked me. She then proceeded to tell me that there was a risk I could bleed to death and that at this point she is afraid that my platelets might be "nonfunctional." This was obviously not what I wanted to hear...
So, I am leaving here in a few minutes to go to the OB where I am seeing Dr. Silas who will hopefully give me a more positive outlook and then later this week I will be going back to the hematologist to figure out a plan for getting my platelets stabilized before delivery. At this point, Noah can arrive at any minute so the sooner we get the count up, the better, I suppose, though I do not look forward to having to take steroids by any stretch of the imagination. At this point, I'll do whatever I have to do in the hopes that it makes things go as smoothly as possible on Noah's birth-day. Ultimately, I remind myself that God is in control... and that is a great Truth to rest on these days (and everyday!).
And in the meantime, I will try my best to make this a very Happy Anniversary for me and Michael, as we can only imagine all that another year will bring and where we will be a year from today...
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! I am terribly sorry to hear the news about your platelet count. Please keep us posted on what Dr. Silas has to say. I'm thinking about you all.